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On Picket Duty, and Other Tales by Louisa May Alcott
page 65 of 114 (57%)

"She was a wicked, heartless hussy! and if I know her, I'll never
speak to her again; for if he was really in earnest, she ought to be
killed for laughing at him."

"So ought you, then, for making fun of poor Fisher when he went down
on his knees behind the huckleberry bushes last summer. He was
earnest enough, for he looked as black-and-blue as his berries when
he got home. Your theory is all right, ma'am, but your practice is
all bosh."

"Hold your tongue about that silly thing. Boys in college think they
know everything, can do everything, have everything, and only need
beckon, and all womankind will come and adore. It made a man of him,
and he'll thank me for taking the sentimental nonsense and conceit
out of him. You will need just such a lesson at the rate you go on,
and I hope Fan will give it to you."

"When the lecture is over, I'll go on with the joke, if you want to
know it."

"Isn't this enough?"

"Oh, bless you, no! the cream of it is to come. What would you give
to know who the lady was?"

"Five dollars, down, this minute."

"Very good, hand 'em over, and I'll tell you."

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