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On Picket Duty, and Other Tales by Louisa May Alcott
page 73 of 114 (64%)
they are ready!"

"Well, if that don't suit, I'll let it alone, for that is all I can
suggest; and if you like your woman's way better, try it, only
you'll have to fly round, because to-morrow is the last night, you

"I shan't go, Dick."

"Why not? we are going to give him the rose-wood set of things, have
speeches, cheers for the King of Clubs, and no end of fun."

"I can't help it; there would be no fun for me, and I couldn't look
him in the face after all this."

"Oh, pooh! yes, you could, or it will be the first time you dared
not do damage with those wicked eyes of yours."

"It is the first time I ever loved any one." Dolly's voice was so
low, and her head drooped so much, that this brief confession was
apparently put away in Dick's pocket, and being an exceedingly novel
one, filled that inflammable youth with a desire to deposit a
similar one in the other pocket, which, being emptied of its
accustomed contents, left a somewhat aching void in itself and the
heart underneath. After a moment's silence, he said,--

"Well, if you won't go, you can settle it when he comes here, though
I think we should all do better to confess coming home in the dark."

"He won't come here again, Dick."
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