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On Picket Duty, and Other Tales by Louisa May Alcott
page 77 of 114 (67%)
"Mr. Bopp, what is it? Dick says you have a trouble; tell me, and
let us help you if we can. Are you ill, in want, or has any one
wronged or injured you in any way? Oh, let me help you!"

Tears had been streaming down Mr. Bopp's cheeks, but as she spoke he
checked them, and tried to answer steadily,--

"No, I am not ill; I haf no wants now, and no one has hurt me but in
kindness; yet I haf so great a grief, I could not bear it all alone,
and so I came to ask a little sympathy from your good Mutter, who
has been kind to me as if I was a son. She is not here, and I
thought I would stop back my grief; but that moosic was too much;
you pity me, and so I tell you. See, now! when I find things go
bright with me, and haf a hope of much work, I take the little store
I saved, I send it to my friend Carl Hoffman, who is coming from my
home, and say, 'Bring Ulla to me now, for I can make life go well to
her, and I am hungry till I haf her in my arms again.' I tell no
one, for I am bold to think that one day I come here with her in my
hand, to let her thank you in her so sweet way for all you haf done
for me. Well, I watch the wind, I count the days, I haf no rest for
joy; and when Carl comes, I fly to him. He gifs me back my store, he
falls upon my neck and does not speak, then I know my little Kind
will never come, for she has gone to Himmel before I could make a
home for her on earth. Oh, my Ulla! it is hard to bear;" and, with a
rain of bitter tears, poor Mr. Bopp covered up his face and laid it
down on his empty plate, as if he never cared to lift it up again.

Then Dolly forgot herself in her great sympathy, and, going to him,
she touched the bent head with a soothing hand; let her tears flow
to comfort his; and whispered in her tenderest voice,--
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