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On Picket Duty, and Other Tales by Louisa May Alcott
page 81 of 114 (71%)
health,--Long life and happiness to the King of Clubs and the Queen
of Hearts."

"Yes, August, and as he's to be a farmer, we'll add another,--'Wiser
wits and better manners to the Knave of Spades.'"


_UP_ the dark stairs that led to his poor home strode a gloomy-faced
young man with despair in his heart and these words on his lips:--

"I will struggle and suffer no longer; my last hope has failed, and
life, become a burden, I will rid myself of at once."

As he muttered his stern purpose, he flung wide the door and was
about to enter, but paused upon the threshold; for a glance told him
that he had unconsciously passed his own apartment and come up
higher, till he found himself in a room poorer but more cheerful
than his own.

Sunshine streamed in through the one small window, where a caged
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