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Moral by Ludwig Thoma
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Ludwig Thoma


Dr. Ludwig Thoma, perhaps better known to his Bavarian countrymen
as Peter Schlemiehl, was born in Oberammergau on January 21, 1867.
After graduating from a gymnasium in Munich, he studied at the
School of Forestry at Aschauffenburg. He did not finish his course
there, but entered the University at Munich and received his
degree as Doctor Juris in 1893.

A year later Dr. Thoma began to practice law; but he abandoned
that pursuit in 1899 to follow a career for which his inclinations
and talents so happily fitted him.

He had been writing humorous verses for Simplicissimus for several
years under the pen name of Pete Schlemiehl, with such success
that the paper almost became identified by that name. These poems
were later published in book form under the title--Grobheiten.

His prose writings in Bavarian dialect as well as his boyhood
experiences entitled, Lausbubengeschichten, won a large and warm
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