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The March of Portola and the Discovery of the Bay of San Francisco by Zoeth Skinner Eldredge;Eusebius J. Molera
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San Carlos, returning to San Blas in 1781. In July, 1784, he returned to
Spain, and on March 14, 1785, was retired, at his own request, the royal
order granting him full pay as captain of frigate in consideration of
his services to California. He died December 30, 1797.

Zoeth S. Eldredge,
E. J. Molera,
Charles H. Crocker,

San Francisco, August, 1909. - Committee.

The March of Portola and the Discovery of the Bay of San Francisco


Zoeth S. Eldredge.

The popular mind accepts the oft-repeated statement that the settlement
of California was due to the pious zeal of a devoted priest, eager to
save the souls of the heathen, supplemented by the paternal care of a
monarch solicitous for the welfare of his subjects. The political
exigencies of the day are forgotten; military commanders and civil
governors sink into insignificance and become mere executives of the
priestly will, while the heroic efforts of Junipero Serra to convert the
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