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The Outdoor Girls at Wild Rose Lodge - Or, the hermit of Moonlight falls by Laura Lee Hope
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feet still more comfortably on the foot rail. "Why should we be
energetic when it is so much easier to be lazy?"

"There the proper spirit speaks," applauded Grace Ford from the front.
"I think I shall have to change places with you, Betty. It's far too
exciting up here with Mollie. She insists upon staging near collisions
every few feet-- thus keeping me awake!"

"Great heavens!" cried Mollie, pressing an impatient foot upon the
accelerator to which the great car responded with an eager purring,
"did any one ever give us the mistaken title of Outdoor Girls, I
wonder? They should have called us the Rip Van Winkle club, instead."

"Now she's getting sour-castic," commented Grace lazily. "Have some
candy, honey, and sweeten up."

She passed the ever-present box of delicacies over to Mollie, to which
overture the young driver responded with so indignant a stare that
Grace quickly withdrew the box, tucked it behind her, and strove to
look unconscious.

"Please, ma'am, I didn't mean to do it," she said meekly.

"Well, don't do it again, that's all," returned Mollie,
uncompromisingly, her eyes once more on the road ahead. "I've eaten so
many chocolates this week that I've had indigestion and mother
threatened to cut down my allowance."

"Goodness, it's my allowance that suffers," retorted Grace, ruefully,
"since it is my candy that you eat."
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