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A Sweet Girl Graduate by L. T. Meade
page 48 of 301 (15%)
independently of the pleasure they afford, they will also give you
bread and butter. Go home now and let me think over matters. Come
again to-morrow. I may have important things to say to you."

From this conversation came the results which, shortly after the
completion of her eighteenth year, made Priscilla an inmate of St.
Benet's far-famed college for women. Mr. Hayes left no stone unturned
to effect his object. He thought Priscilla could do brilliantly as a
teacher, and he resolved that for this purpose she should have the
advantages which a collegiate life alone could offer to her. He
himself prepared her for her entrance examination, and he and Aunt
Raby between them managed the necessary funds to give the girl a
three-years' life as a student in these halls of learning.

Prissie knew very little about the money part of the scheme. She only
guessed what had become of Aunt Raby's watch and chain; and a spasm
crossed her face when one day she happened to see that Aunt Raby's
poor little jewel case was empty. The jewels and the watch could
certainly not fetch much, but they provided Prissie with a modest
little outfit, and Mr. Hayes had got a grant from a loan society,
which further lightened expenses for all parties.

Priscilla bade her sisters, her aunt and the old rector good-by and
started on her new life with courage.



THE routine of life at St. Benet's was something as follows:
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