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I Will Repay by Baroness Emmuska Orczy
page 11 of 281 (03%)
"And are you not satisfied?" queried Deroulede. "You have borne
yourself bravely, you have fought in honour of your liege lady. I, on
the other hand..."

"You," shouted the boy hoarsely, "you shall publicly apologise to a
noble and virtuous woman whom you have outraged--now--at--once--on
your knees..."

"You are mad, Vicomte," rejoined Deroulede coldly. "I am willing to
ask your forgiveness for my blunder..."

"An apology--in public--on your knees..."

The boy had become more and more excited. He had suffered humiliation
after humiliation. He was a mere lad, spoilt, adulated, pampered from
his boyhood: the wine had got into his head, the intoxication of rage
and hatred blinded his saner judgment.

"Coward!" he shouted again and again.

His seconds tried to interpose, but he waved them feverishly aside.
He would listen to no one. He saw no one save the man who had insulted
Adele, and who was heaping further insults upon her, by refusing this
public acknowledgment of her virtues.

De Marny hated Deroulede at this moment with the most deadly hatred
the heart of man can conceive. The older man's calm, his chivalry, his
consideration only enhanced the boy's anger and shame.

The hubbub had become general. Everyone seemed carried away with this
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