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The Canadian Brothers, or the Prophecy Fulfilled a Tale of the Late American War — Volume 1 by John Richardson
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Lieut. RICHARDSON, &c. &c. &c.
H. P. 92nd Regt.

BRIGHTON, December 18, 1832.

DEAR Sir,--I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter
of the 14th instant, and of the copy of your work,
WACOUSTA, for the King, which I have had the honor of
presenting to His Majesty, who received it very graciously.

I remain, Dear Sir, your faithful Servant,

(Signed,) H. TAYLOR

Lieut. RICHARDSON, &c. &c. &c.
H. P. 92nd Regt.

WINDSOR CASTLE, August 7, 1833.

DEAR SIR,--I have to acknowledge your letter of the 1st
instant, together with its enclosure, and beg to express
the deep gratification I have felt in the perusal of that
chapter of your new work which treats of the policy of
employing the Indians in any future war we may have with
the United States. Should you be desirous of dedicating
it to His Majesty I can foresee no difficulty.
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