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The Real Diary of a Real Boy by Henry A. (Henry Augustus) Shute
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EXETER, N. H. Sept. 23, 1902.


Father thot i aught to keep a diry, but i sed i dident want to,
because i coodent wright well enuf, but he sed he wood give $1000
dolars if he had kept a diry when he was a boy.

Mother said she gessed nobody wood dass to read it, but father said
everybody would tumble over each other to read it, anyhow he wood
give $1000 dolars if he had kept it. i told him i wood keep one
regular if he wood give me a quarter of a dolar a week, but he said
i had got to keep it anyhow and i woodent get no quarter for it
neither, but he woodent ask to read it for a year, and i know he
will forget it before that, so i am going to wright just what i
want to in it. Father always forgets everything but my lickins.
he remembers them every time you bet.

So i have got to keep it, but it seems to me that my diry is worth a
quarter of a dolar a week if fathers is worth $1000 dolars,
everybody says father was a buster when he was a boy and went round
with Gim Melcher and Charles Talor. my grandmother says i am the
best boy she ever see, if i dident go with Beany Watson and Pewter
Purinton, it was Beany and Pewt made me tuf.

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