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The Real Diary of a Real Boy by Henry A. (Henry Augustus) Shute
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December 23. Saturday and no skating. went down to the library to
get a book for Sunday. me and Beany were sticking pins into the
fellers and making them holler and Jo Parsons the libarian jumped
rite over the counter and chased us way down to Mr. Hams coffin
shop. he dident catch us either. then we went down town and Billy
Swett lent me a dime novel to read sunday. it was named Billy
Bolegs a sequil to Nat Tod the traper. sequil means the things in
Nat Tod that was not finished.

December 24. Brite and fair. Crismas tomorrow. went to sunday school.
Mr. Lovel is our teacher now.

December 25. Crismas. got a new nife, a red and white scarf and a
bag of Si Smiths goozeberies. pretty good for me.

December 26. Crismas tree at the town hall. had supper and got a bag
of candy and a long string of pop corn. Mr. Lovel took off the presents
and his whiskers caught fire, and he hollered o hell right out.
that was pretty good for a sunday school teacher, wasent it.
Jimmy Gad et too much and was sick.

December 27. Beany has got a new striped shirt not a false bosom but
a whole shirt. Beany wont speak to me now. Lucy Watson has got a new
blew hat with a fether. she wont speak to Keene and Cele eether. you
jest wait Beany and Lucy and see.

Jan. 1, 186-Had an awful time in school today. me and Cawcaw Harding
set together. when we came in from resess Cawcaw reached over and hit
me a bat, and i lent him one in the snoot, and he hit me back. we was
jest fooling, but old Francis called Cawcaw up front to lick him.
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