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Ardath by Marie Corelli
page 65 of 769 (08%)
ardently as the desire of fame!" He paused, and in quieter tones
continued, "You see I speak freely and frankly to you as though--
," and he laughed a little, "as though I were a good Catholic, and
you my father-confessor! Good heavens! if some of the men I know
in London were to hear me, they would think me utterly crazed! But
craze or no craze, I feel I shall never be satisfied now till I
find out whether there IS anywhere is the world a place called
Ardath. Can you, will you help me in the search? I am almost
ashamed to ask you, for you have already done so much for me, and
I really owe to your wonderful power my trance or soul-liberty, or
whatever it may be called. ..."

"You owe me nothing," interposed Heliobas calmly, "not even
thanks. Your own will accomplished your freedom, and I am not
responsible for either your departure or your return. It was a
predestined occurrence, yet perfectly scientific and easy of
explanation. Your inward force attracted mine down upon you in one
strong current, with the result that your Spirit instantly parted
asunder from your body, and in that released condition you
experienced what you have described. But _I_ had no, more to do
with that experience than I shall have with your journey to the
'field of Ardath,' should you decide to go there."

"There IS an Ardath then!" cried Alwyn excitedly.

Heliobas eyed him with something of scorn. "Naturally! Are you
still so much of a sceptic that you think an ANGEL would have
bidden you seek a place that had no existence? Oh, yes! I see you
are inclined to treat your ethereal adventure as a mere dream,--
but _I_ know it was a reality, more real than anything in this
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