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Quotations from John L. Motley Works by John Lothrop Motley
page 23 of 168 (13%)
Enthusiasm could not supply the place of experience
Envying those whose sufferings had already been terminated
Leave not a single man alive in the city, and to burn every house
Not strong enough to sustain many more such victories
Oldenbarneveld; afterwards so illustrious
Sent them word by carrier pigeons
Three hundred fighting women
Tyranny, ever young and ever old, constantly reproducing herself
Wonder equally at human capacity to inflict and to endure misery

RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC, 1573 by Motley[#21][jm21v10.txt]4821

Advised his Majesty to bestow an annual bribe upon Lord Burleigh
Angle with their dissimulation as with a hook
Luther's axiom, that thoughts are toll-free
Only kept alive by milk, which he drank from a woman's breast
Scepticism, which delights in reversing the judgment of centuries
So much responsibility and so little power
Sometimes successful, even although founded upon sincerity
We are beginning to be vexed

RISE OF THE DUTCH REPUBLIC, 1573-74 by Motley[#22][jm22v10.txt]4822

Crescents in their caps: Rather Turkish than Popish
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