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My Life — Volume 1 by Richard Wagner
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copies printed at our own expense. As the value of this
autobiography consists in its unadorned veracity, which, under
the circumstances, is its only justification, therefore my
statements had to be accompanied by precise names and dates;
hence there could be no question of their publication until some
time after my death, should interest in them still survive in our
descendants, and on that point I intend leaving directions in my

If, on the other hand, we do not refuse certain intimate friends
a sight of these papers now, it is that, relying on their genuine
interest in the contents, we are confident that they will not
pass on their knowledge to any who do not share their feelings in
the matter.

Richard Wagner


Part I. 1813-1842

Childhood and Schooldays
Musical Studies
Travels in Germany (First Marriage)
Paris: 1839-42

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