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Patty's Butterfly Days by Carolyn Wells
page 4 of 262 (01%)

But Nan cared more for the mountains, and longed to get away from
the sunny glare of the sea, and enjoy the shaded walks and drives
of higher altitudes. However, these two were of unselfish nature,
and each wanted to please the other. But as Patty had had her wish
for three months, it was certainly fair that Nan should be
humoured for the rest of the summer.

The season had done wonders for Patty, physically. Because of her
outdoor life, she had grown plumper and browner, her muscles had
strengthened, and her rosy cheeks betokened a perfect state of
health. She was still slender, and her willowy figure had gained
soft curves without losing its dainty gracefulness.

And Patty was still enthusiastically devoted to her motor-car.
Indeed, it was the realisation that she must leave that behind
that made her so opposed to a trip to the mountains.

Mr. Fairfield and Nan had both dilated on the charms and beauties
of mountain scenery, on the joys and delights of the gay mountain
hotels, but though Patty listened amiably, she failed to look upon
the matter as they did. At first, she had declared her
unwillingness to go, and had tried to devise a way by which she
might remain at Spring Beach, while her parents went to the
mountains. But no plan of chaperons or visiting relatives seemed
to satisfy Mr. Fairfield of its availability.

"I can't see it, Patty," he would say; "there is no chaperon for
you that we know of, and I wouldn't leave you here with some
stranger obtained by advertisement. Nor have we any relatives who
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