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Ragged Dick, Or, Street Life in New York with the Boot-Blacks by Horatio Alger
page 88 of 233 (37%)
or very long, but of very great importance. The reader would be
astonished if he could know the amount of money involved in the
transactions which take place in a single day in this street. It
would be found that although Broadway is much greater in length, and
lined with stores, it stands second to Wall Street in this respect.

"What is that large marble building?" asked Frank, pointing to a
massive structure on the corner of Wall and Nassau Streets. It was
in the form of a parallelogram, two hundred feet long by ninety
wide, and about eighty feet in height, the ascent to the entrance
being by eighteen granite steps.

"That's the Custom House," said Dick.

"It looks like pictures I've seen of the Parthenon at Athens," said
Frank, meditatively.

"Where's Athens?" asked Dick. "It aint in York State,--is it?"

"Not the Athens I mean, at any rate. It is in Greece, and was a
famous city two thousand years ago."

"That's longer than I can remember," said Dick. "I can't remember
distinctly more'n about a thousand years."

"What a chap you are, Dick! Do you know if we can go in?"

The boys ascertained, after a little inquiry, that they would be
allowed to do so. They accordingly entered the Custom House and made
their way up to the roof, from which they had a fine view of the
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