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Guy Mannering, Or, the Astrologer — Volume 01 by Sir Walter Scott
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opportunity of showing my gratitude for your hospitality. Let me
only request that I may be informed of the exact minute of the
birth; and I hope to be able to put you in possession of some
particulars which may influence in an important manner the future
prospects of the child now about to come into this busy and
changeful world. I will not conceal from you that I am skilful in
understanding and interpreting the movements of those planetary
bodies which exert their influences on the destiny of mortals. It
is a science which I do not practise, like others who call
themselves astrologers, for hire or reward; for I have a competent
estate, and only use the knowledge I possess for the benefit of
those in whom I feel an interest.' The laird bowed in respect and
gratitude, and the stranger was accommodated with an apartment
which commanded an ample view of the astral regions.

The guest spent a part of the night in ascertaining the position
of the heavenly bodies, and calculating their probable influence;
until at length the result of his observations induced him to send
for the father and conjure him in the most solemn manner to cause
the assistants to retard the birth if practicable, were it but for
five minutes. The answer declared this to be impossible; and
almost in the instant that the message was returned the father and
his guest were made acquainted with the birth of a boy.

The Astrologer on the morrow met the party who gathered around the
breakfast table with looks so grave and ominous as to alarm the
fears of the father, who had hitherto exulted in the prospects
held out by the birth of an heir to his ancient property, failing
which event it must have passed to a distant branch of the family.
He hastened to draw the stranger into a private room.
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