1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Francis Grose
page 4 of 482 (00%)
page 4 of 482 (00%)
ABBESS, or LADY ABBESS, A bawd, the mistress of a brothel. ABEL-WACKETS. Blows given on the palm of the hand with a twisted handkerchief, instead of a ferula; a jocular punishment among seamen, who sometimes play at cards for wackets, the loser suffering as many strokes as he has lost games. ABIGAIL. A lady's waiting-maid. ABRAM. Naked. CANT. ABRAM COVE. A cant word among thieves, signifying a naked or poor man; also a lusty, strong rogue. ABRAM MEN. Pretended mad men. TO SHAM ABRAM. To pretend sickness. ACADEMY, or PUSHING SCHOOL. A brothel. The Floating Academy; the lighters on board of which those persons are confined, who by a late regulation are condemned to hard labour, instead of transportation.--Campbell's Academy; the same, from a gentleman of that name, who had the contract for victualling the hulks or lighters. ACE OF SPADES. A widow. |