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The Memoirs of Count Grammont — Volume 05 by Count Anthony Hamilton
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ingenious precautions exceed whatever the Spaniards can invent for
confining the fair sex but the generality are of opinion, that in either
unavoidable danger or in manifest transgression, the surest way is to

But, ye courteous and indulgent nations, who, far from admitting these
savage and barbarous customs, give full liberty to your dear ribs, and
commit the care of their virtue to their own discretion, you pass without
alarms or strife your peaceful days, in all the enjoyments of domestic

It was certainly some evil genius that induced Lord Chesterfield to
distinguish himself from his patient and good-natured countrymen, and
ridiculously to afford the world an opportunity of examining into the
particulars of an adventure which would perhaps never have been known
without the verge of the court, and which would everywhere have been
forgotten in less than a month; but now, as soon as ever he had turned
his back, in order to march away with his prisoner, and the ornaments she
was supposed to have bestowed upon him, God only knows what a terrible
attack there was made upon his rear: Rochester, Middlesex, Sedley,
Etheredge, and all the whole band of wits, exposed him in numberless
ballads, and diverted the public at his expense.

The Chevalier de Grammont was highly pleased with these lively and
humorous compositions; and wherever this subject was mentioned, never
failed to produce his supplement upon the occasion: "It is strange," said
he, "that the country, which is little better than a gallows or a grave
for young people, is allotted in this land only for the unfortunate, and
not for the guilty! poor Lady Chesterfield, for some unguarded looks, is
immediately seized upon by an angry husband, who will oblige her to spend
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