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Struggling Upward, or Luke Larkin's Luck by Horatio Alger
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"Yes, sir!" exclaimed the boys, unanimously.

Before proceeding, it may be well to refer more particularly
to some of the boys who were to engage in the contest.

First, in his own estimation, came Randolph Duncan, son of Prince
Duncan, president of the Groveton Bank, and a prominent town
official. Prince Duncan was supposed to be a rich man, and lived in
a style quite beyond that of his neighbors. Randolph was his only
son, a boy of sixteen, and felt that in social position and blue
blood he was without a peer in the village. He was a tall, athletic
boy, and disposed to act the part of boss among the Groveton boys.

Next came a boy similar in age and physical strength, but in other
respects very different from the young aristocrat. This was Luke
Larkin, the son of a carpenter's widow, living on narrow means, and
so compelled to exercise the strictest economy. Luke worked where
he could, helping the farmers in hay-time, and ready to do odd jobs
for any one in the village who desired his services. He filled the
position of janitor at the school which he attended, sweeping out
twice a week and making the fires. He had a pleasant expression,
and a bright, resolute look, a warm heart, and a clear intellect,
and was probably, in spite of his poverty, the most popular boy in
Groveton. In this respect he was the opposite of Randolph Duncan,
whose assumption of superiority and desire to "boss" the other boys
prevented him from having any real friends. He had two or three
companions, who flattered him and submitted to his caprices because
they thought it looked well to be on good terms with the young
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