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The Bride of the Nile — Volume 07 by Georg Ebers
page 32 of 54 (59%)
get your grandmother's consent. At any rate we must set to work very
prudently and cautiously, do you understand? I have only taken you into
our confidence that you may look forward to it and have something to be
glad of at night, when you are such a silly little thing as to keep your
eyes open like the hares, instead of sleeping like a good child. If
things go well, you may be with Paula to-morrow perhaps--think of that!
I had quite given up all hope of managing it at all; but now, just now--
is it not odd--just within these two minutes I suddenly said to myself:
'It will come all right!'--So it must be done somehow."

A flood of tears streamed down Mary's burning cheeks but, freely as they
flowed, she did not sob and her bosom did not heave. Nor did she speak,
but such pure and fervent gratitude and joy shone from her glistening
eyes that Orion felt his own grow moist. He was glad to find some way of
concealing his emotion when Mary seized his hand and, pressing a long
kiss on it, wetted it with her tears.

"See!" he exclaimed. "All wet! as if I had just taken it out of the

But he said no more, for the bedroom door was suddenly thrown open and
Eudoxia's high, thin voice was heard saying:

"But why make any fuss? Mary will be enchanted! Here, Child, here is
your long-lost friend! Such a surprise!" And the water-wagtail, pushed
forward by no gentle hand, appeared within the doorway. Eudoxia was as
radiant as though she had achieved some heroic deed; but she drew back a
little when she found that Orion was still in the room. The divided
couple stood face to face. What was done could not be undone; but,
though he greeted her with only a calm bow, and she fluttered her fan
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