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In the Fire of the Forge — Volume 02 by Georg Ebers
page 18 of 63 (28%)
the abbess, with Els, and perhaps--she felt the blood crimson her cheeks-
-with Heinz Schorlin!

Where was he now?

Undoubtedly with the Emperor and his ladies, perhaps at the side of the
Bohemian princess, the young Duchess Agnes, who yesterday had so plainly
showed her pleasure in his society.

Just then the watch, marching from the Marienthurn to the Frauenthor,
gave her vagrant thoughts a new turn. The city guard was soon followed
by a troop of horse, which probably belonged to the Emperor's train.

It was delightful to gaze, at this late hour, into the moonlit street,
and she wondered that she had never enjoyed it before. True, it would
have been still pleasanter had Els borne her company; and, besides, she
longed to tell her the new explanation she had found for Wolff's altered

Perhaps her mother was asleep, and she could come with her.

How still the house was!

Cautiously opening the door of the sick-room, she glanced in. Els was
standing at the head of the bed, supporting her mother with her strong
young arms, while Sister Renata pushed the cushions between the
sufferer's back and the bedstead.

The old difficulty of breathing had evidently attacked her again.

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