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In the Fire of the Forge — Volume 02 by Georg Ebers
page 22 of 63 (34%)

Here she struck her little hand angrily against the wood of the bedstead
and, panting for breath, continued:

"I'll show him!---- Yet no! What I have to answer no one else---- From
me, from me alone, he shall learn without delay. There is paper in
yonder chest, on the very top; bring it to me, with pen and ink."

Katterle silently hurried to obey this order, but Eva pressed her hand
upon her heaving bosom, and gazed silently into vacancy.

The manservant and the maid whom Heinz Schorlin had made his messengers
certainly could have no conception of the bond that united her to him;
even her own sister had misunderstood it. He should now learn that Eva
Ortlieb knew what beseemed her! But she, too, longed for another
meeting, and this conduct rendered it necessary.

The sooner they two had a conversation, the better. She could
confidently venture to invite him to the meeting which she had in view;
her aunt, the abbess, had promised to stand by her side, if she needed
her, in her intercourse with the knight.

But her colour?

Katterle had long since laid the paper and writing materials before her,
but she still pondered. At last, with a smile of satisfaction, she
seized the pen. The manner in which she intended to mention the colour
should show him the nature of the bond which united them.

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