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In the Fire of the Forge — Volume 02 by Georg Ebers
page 37 of 63 (58%)
afford a safe abode for its inmates.

What did the young, joyous-hearted fellow who was wooing Eva know of such
cares? Fate had placed him on the sunny side of life, where everything
flourished, and set him, Wolff, in the shade, where grass and flowers

There is a magic in fame which the young soul cannot easily escape, and
the name of Heinz Schorlin was indeed honoured and on every lip. The
imagination associated with it the cheerful nature which, like a loyal
comrade, goes hand in hand with success, deserved and undeserved good
fortune, woman's favour, doughty deeds, the highest and strongest traits
of character.

An atmosphere like sunshine, which melts all opposition, emanated from
Heinz. Wolff had experienced it himself. He had seriously intended to
make the insolent intruder feel his strong arm, but since he had learned
the identity of the Swiss his acts and nature appeared in a new light.
His insolence had gained the aspect of self-confidence which did not lack
justification, and when a valiant knight talked to him so frankly, like a
younger brother to an older and wiser one, it seemed to the lonely man
who, of late, completely absorbed in the course of business, had held
aloof from the sports, banquets, and diversions of the companions of his
own age, that he had experienced something unusually pleasant. How
tender and affectionate it sounded when Heinz alluded to the "little
mother" at home! He, Wolff, on the contrary, could think only with a
shade of bitterness of the weak woman to whom he owed his existence, and
whom filial duty and earnest resolution alike commanded him to love, yet
who made it so difficult for him to regard her with anything save anxiety
or secret disapproval.
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