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The Burgomaster's Wife — Volume 01 by Georg Ebers
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me of the fallow material, that had previously awakened your sympathy.

At last I have been permitted to give the matter so long laid aside its
just dues. A beautiful portion of Holland's glorious history affords the
espalier, around which the tendrils of my narrative entwine. You have
watched them grow, and therefore will view them kindly and indulgently.

In love and friendship,

Ever the same,


Leipsic, Oct. 30th, 1881.



In the year 1574 A. D. spring made its joyous entry into the Netherlands
at an unusually early date.

The sky was blue, gnats sported in the sunshine, white butterflies
alighted on the newly-opened yellow flowers, and beside one of the
numerous ditches intersecting the wide plain stood a stork, snapping at a
fine frog; the poor fellow soon writhed in its enemy's red beak. One
gulp--the merry jumper vanished, and its murderer, flapping its wings,
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