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Jan of the Windmill by Juliana Horatia Gatty Ewing
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Chapter XVI. The mop.--The shop.--What the Cheap Jack's wife had to
tell.--What George withheld.

Chapter XVII. The miller's man at the mop.--A lively companion.--Sal
loses her purse.--The recruiting sergeant.--The pocket-book twice
stolen.--George in the King's Arms.--George in the King's service.--
The letter changes hands, but keeps its secret.

Chapter XVIII. Midsummer holidays.--Child fancies.--Jan and the pig-
minder.--Master Salter at home.--Jan hires himself out.

Chapter XIX. The blue coat.--Pig-minding and tree-studying.--Leaf-
paintings.--A stranger.--Master Swift is disappointed.

Chapter XX. Squire Ammaby and his daughter.--The Cheap Jack does
business once more.--The white horse changes masters.

Chapter XXI. Master Swift at home.--Rufus.--The ex-pig-minder.--Jan
and the schoolmaster.

Chapter XXII. The parish church.--Rembrandt.--The snow scene.--
Master Swift's autobiography.

Chapter XXIII. The white horse in clover.--Amabel and her
guardians.--Amabel in the wood.--Bogy.

Chapter XXIV. The paint-box.--Master Linseed's shop.--The new sign-
board.--Master Swift as Will Scarlet.

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