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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
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The Prayer of Bishop E. J. Hanna

of the Catholic Diocese

Given at
the Opening of the Exposition

O God of our Fathers, in Whose power are the destinies of men, in Whose
hands are the ends of the world, look down with loving-kindness on Thy
children here gathered in Thy Name. From the uttermost bounds of the
earth have we come to commemorate one of man's greatest achievements
adown the ages. Make us, Thy children, realize that Thou art the source
of light and of inspiration; make us realize that great things are
wrought through Thee alone.

To the city of St. Francis, enthroned in beauty by the western sea, give
the grace of kindly hospitality, the blessing of an ever-widening vision
of true greatness, a faith and a hope that know not failure. To our
glorious California give abundance of harvest, a bounteous plenty of Thy
treasures and a valiant race of men blessed in the knowledge and
sanctified in the observance of Thy law. To our favored land, which is
from sea to sea, vouchsafe strength and unity and that peace which the
world cannot give. Make us feel that the mighty City of God rises
sublime through the centuries only when built on the foundations of
justice and of truth; and, finally, to all the nations here represented,
grant a vision of the highest things of life - of the things that make
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