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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
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It has a large dome, the cupola of which is lighted by projectors
beneath the floor of the building.

Sherry Fry of Iowa has done the sculpture, all of it being suggestive of

Bacchus, with his grapes and wine skin, reclines on one side, while "The
Reclining Woman" listens from her position.

On the west are two Floras with their festoons of flowers.

Little Pan sits with his panpipes on an Ionic capital over which is
thrown a fawn skin. He has just stopped playing to watch the lizard that
creeps at his side.

The Torch Bearer, a most graceful figure, is poised on each corner dome.

A border of pinkish-lavender hydrangeas, four feet in diameter, with a
fringe of lavender and pink baby primroses, adds much to the beauty of
this spot.

Pinkish-lavender erica, or heath, borders the steps leading from
Festival Hall to the Avenue of Palms.

Above the western entrance one see the old Greek drinking horn, the
rhyton, suggestive of festivity.

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