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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 12 of 117 (10%)
Manager-in-Chief - Geo. Kelham of San Francisco.
Court of the Universe - McKim, Meade and White of New York.
Tower of Jewels - Thomas Hastings of New York.
Court of the Ages - Louis Christian Mullgardt of San Francisco.
Court of the Four Seasons - Henry Bacon of New York.
Court of Flowers - Geo. Kelham of San Francisco.
Court of Palms - " "
The Italian Towers - " "
Column of Progress - Symmes Richardson of New York.
Machinery Palace - Ward and Blohme of San Francisco.
Palace of Varied Industries - W. B. Faville of San Francisco.
Palace of Mines - " "
Palace of Manufactures - " "
Palace of Transportation - " "
Palace of Liberal Arts - " "
Palace of Education - " "
Palace of Agriculture - " "
Palace of Food Products - " "
Also all portals and aisles - " "
Palace of Fine Arts - Bernard R. Maybeck of San Francisco.
Palace of Horticulture - Bakewell and Brown of San Francisco.
Festival Hall - Robert Farquhar of Los Angeles.


(The numbers indicate the other works by the same sculptors to be seen
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