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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
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Machinery Palace

Architects - Ward and Blohme of San Francisco.

The palace is one of grandeur, dignity and great beauty.

The architecture has been inspired by such old Roman thermae as the
Baths of Caracalla, the Baths of Titus and the like.

The ornamentation is of the Italian Renaissance style, worked out on a
building that in form suits the needs of a great palace of machinery.

The gable points at the top of the western façade are such as one sees
in the restoration of the Baths of Caracalla.

The first and only other expression of this style in America is seen in
the Pennsylvania Station of New York City.

In the Transportation Palace can be seen a model of the proposed plan
for a new Union Depot for Chicago, with a similar gabled effect.

The three arches reflect on the exterior the three aisles of the same
portion of the palace within.

The great columns in front, and also in the vestibule, simulate Siena

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