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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
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The latticed windows are strongly suggestive of Mohammedan work and are
a beautiful turquoise green. They are among the many Oriental touches at
this splendid Exposition. The area of deep pink and the burnt orange
medallions must be seen to realize their beauty.

No wonder Pegasus is seen in the spandrels! Who would not mount Pegasus
at such a glorious Exposition?

In these aisles are many remarkable conifers. Yews from many different
countries, junipers of various kinds, pines, firs, spruces, cypresses of
countless varieties, many thuyas, beside euonymus, holly, datura, India
rubber, aralias, the beautiful nandina domestica, a most lovely foliage
massed in the corners of the west side of the Aisle of the Rising Sun.

In March and April these courts receive glorious rich coloring from beds
of California poppies and anemones, bordered with creeping juniper.

The gay spring flowers will be followed by summer annuals, and later by
our autumn blossoms,

The Court of the Universe

This court, which strongly resembles the great area in front of St.
Peter's, Rome, with its sweep of colonnade to right and left, was
designed by the New York firm of McKim, Meade and White.
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