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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 36 of 117 (30%)
"The Mysteries of Dusk."

Now raise your eyes to those beautiful cameo figures on the burnt orange
ground at the entrance to the colonnades, and you will be carried in
thought to the Zodiac, that great imaginary belt thru which the sun and
planets travel.

There you see the zodiacal figures, two and two, with their symbols,
gliding thru space.

The clouds or nebulous matter is suggested by the female figures with
swirling drapery, toward the end of the frieze.

In the center stands Atlas, mythologically the first astronomer. Your
fancy has carried you on the wings of the wind at this very suggestion.
These fourteen maids are Atlas' fourteen daughters.

Go close to the die of the fountain of the Rising Sun and look at the

The subject is Day Triumphant. The genius of Time with hour-glass is
followed by the genius of Light with flaming torch, and Energy sounds on
his trumpet the announcement of the break of day.

Truth follows with mirror and sword emerging triumphant from the
sinister powers of Darkness. Falsehood shrinks from its own image
reflected in the mirror of Truth. Vice cowers and struggles in the coils
of a serpent.

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