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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 40 of 117 (34%)
Your scene is shifted for a short time.

You have passed into the Court of the Ages for a retrospect (upon the
human side).

The primitive people are to be seen here on the Fountain of the
Psychology of Life. Don't try to see everything in detail now, for you
can come back later.

Just realize this, that the small group facing west in the fountain is
The Dawn of Life, then comes Natural Selection which develops into The
Survival of the Fittest, or The Development of the Militant Spirit.

This early period shows man working strongly under the power of impulse.
Vanity, lust and greed seem to dominate his actions. On these primitive
people pass thru life. You can see them if you look up on the Tower. On
they march, in that upward climb of civilization.

Marching along with primitive man, thru long periods of time, you next
meet him developed as the Crusader of the Mediaeval period. He has
mounted thru war and his religion and stands at the feet of the
Priestess of Religion, the last group at the upper part of the Tower.

On either side you will notice a man and a woman standing on the bodies
of primitive beings. These figures represent the man and the woman of
today - the man and the woman who have sprung from this primitive stock.

Don't stop in this beautiful Court of the Ages, for we shall return
later to finish our story.

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