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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 47 of 117 (40%)
4. The Panama Canal is completed.
5. Labor is crowned.
6. The achievements which follow are shown: (The caduceus, the wand of
Mercury, the symbol of commerce, is prominent.)


Pass thru this Tower of jewels noticing in the eastern and also the
western arcades two fine fountains.

On the left is the Fountain of Youth by Mrs. Edith Woodman Burroughs of
Flushing, Long Island.

The simple, beautiful, naive figure standing on the pedestal is Youth,
the United States, the child that has come from old parents (Europe).

The old father and mother have had many children - many little primroses
you will notice - but none more dear than this one. The charming panels
will remind you that the old people of today are being rowed by the
young. These children row the vessels, bring them to shore and fasten
them to their moorings.

Many of the old people are deaf or blind and are straining to follow the
young who, with willing hands are guiding them on. A most charming,
lovely work is this, and adds a fine touch to the open book that we are
reading. Don't lose the eagle and laurel wreath back of Youth. They are

Oh the other side is the fine formal fountain of "El Dorado," by
Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney of New York.
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