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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 54 of 117 (46%)

Architect - Thomas Hastings of New York.

Architecture - Italian Renaissance with Byzantine features.

This great Tower of Jewels symbolizes the Panama Canal, the jewel today
that is most resplendent.

It is 433 feet high. In cold weather, owing to the contraction of the
steel, it is said to be four inches shorter than in warm weather.

The arch is 110 feet high and 60 feet broad.

The tower is in seven lifts, surmounted by the earth with its shimmering
jewels. You are reminded that the whole earth is affected by this
stupendous piece of engineering (the Panama Canal).

The figures on the pedestals of the arch are by John Flanagan of New
York, and they represent:

1. The Adventurer, the type of man of the 16th century who pushed out
into the wilderness of the southwest.
2. The Priest, the type of man who came to convert the country in the
16th century.
3. The Philosopher, who by his fine knowledge of the Greek and Latin
manuscripts was able to disseminate knowledge in the 16th century
thruout the new regions.
4. The Warrior, the type of 16th century soldier who came to conquer the
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