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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 56 of 117 (47%)
The United States, succeeding France, begins operations on the Panama


The Panama Canal is opened to the commerce of the world.


The United States has put thru the canal, so the American eagle with
outstretched wings is seen as a decorative motive on either side of the
Tower - with telling suggestions.

The hand of the law is governing the commerce of the Panama Canal, hence
you receive that gentle reminder in the Roman insignia, the fasces.

In the old Roman days of the kingdom, as well as in the days of the
Roman republic, the lictor marched in front of the head of the State
carrying the fasces, those twelve birch rods with the ax, indicating
punishment and then death if the laws were not obeyed.

The fasces are seen at the extreme ends of the wings of the tower.

It is interesting to see this same device used in the Liberal Arts
Palace and in the Educational Palace - especially in reform exhibits or
such exhibitions as the New York Educational Exhibit, where the hand of
state is suggested.

The laurel wreath on the tower is another speaking motive.

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