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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 69 of 117 (58%)

Most of the figure work on the tower is by Chester Beach, formerly of
San Francisco.

The groups on the tower are now to be considered.

The combined work is called The Rise of Civilization.

The lowest group is Primitive Man during that period when great
reptiles, like the saurian in the foreground, crept over the earth; when
man fought with huge serpents and gigantic lions.

The rude man in the center has his child on one arm, the other arm
protecting his mate (not an ordinary position for the arm of primitive

You easily surmise that trouble is near. His look of dogged defiance
tells you that he is marching forth to meet some enemy, man or beast.
This is the first march of civilization - one in which brute strength
plays the principal part.


Just above, you notice that civilization has now reached the mediaeval
stage and you see the Crusader with cross on breast and sword in hand.
He has reached this lofty position thru faith (represented by the
priest) and war (suggested by the rude warrior). The spiritual has now
been added to the physical.

At the side of the tower, holding the same position on the tower as does
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