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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 73 of 117 (62%)

Sherry Fry's "Listening to the Sound of the Ages" stands in this court
with her shell to her ear. She listens to the stories that the sea has
told the shell, and wonderful, very wonderful, is what she hears.


Since the first issue of this book I have received in written form Mr.
Mullgardt's own wonderful interpretation, which I hereby append with his
kind permission. I shall not correct my work, for it will be interesting
to compare the work of a layman with that of the initiated:

San Francisco, April 19, 1915.

The Court of the Ages
A Sermon in Stone

"The Court of the Ages" is 340 feet square. The surrounding walls are 75
feet high. The Tower is 200 feet high. The floor of the Court declines
to the central Basin, affording the observer a full view of the
surroundings. The arcaded and vaulted Ambulatory extends continuously
around the four sides. The floor of this Ambulatory is elevated above
the upper floor level of the Court for the convenience of observers. Its
architecture has not been accredited to any established style.

The Court is an historical expression of the successive Ages of the
World's growth. The Central Fountain symbolizes the nebulous world with
its innate human passions. Out of a chaotic condition came Water (the
Basin) and Land (the Fountain) and Light (the Sun supported by Helios,
and the Electroliers). The Braziers and Cauldrons symbolize Fire. The
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