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Palaces and Courts of the Exposition by Juliet Helena Lumbard James
page 80 of 117 (68%)
filled with the ruby fluid.



Autumn - The colors speak of autumn. Here is seen the amphora of wine,
the tambourine, the rhyton, the Greek drinking horn, and the raised
Greek cup - all suggesting the time of festivity after the harvests.

Harvest, and one sees the garnered wheat and vegetables.


Standing between the two central columns and looking toward the half
dome, the eye wanders to the summit, and there, seated on her great
cornucopia, the symbol of abundance, is Harvest with her plenteous
supply of luscious fruits.

The dates from the south are being borne in on one side, while the great
sheaves of wheat are seen on the left.


Standing on the pedestal at the right of the half dome is Rain (by
Albert Jaegers) catching the drops in her shell.

Sunshine (by Albert Jaegers) shielding her eyes with the long palm
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