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What Every Woman Knows by J. M. (James Matthew) Barrie
page 59 of 143 (41%)
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[There is a gleam in his eye, but he puts it out.]

JOHN. In my opinion, Maggie, we'll be a very happy pair.

[She accepts this eagerly.]

MAGGIE. We know each other so well, John, don't we?

JOHN. I'm an extraordinary queer character, and I suppose nobody
knows me well except myself; but I know you, Maggie, to the very
roots of you.

[She magnanimously lets this remark alone.]

MAGGIE. And it's not as if there was any other woman you--fancied
more, John.

JOHN. There's none whatever.

MAGGIE. If there ever should be--oh, if there ever should be! Some
woman with charm.

JOHN. Maggie, you forget yourself. There couldn't be another woman
once I was a married man.

MAGGIE. One has heard of such things.

JOHN. Not in Scotsmen, Maggie; not in Scotsmen.
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