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Tales of Chinatown by Sax Rohmer
page 14 of 378 (03%)

One swift glance the Chief Inspector gave at the battle-scarred
face, and recognized instantly that this was a badly frightened
man. Crossing to the table he took up a typewritten slip which
lay there, and:

"Your name is James Poland?" he said. "Four convictions; one,
robbery with violence."

Jim Poland nodded sullenly.

"You were arrested at the corner of Pekin Street about midnight.
What were you doing there?"

"Taking a walk."

"I'll say it again," rapped Kerry, fixing his fierce eyes upon
the man's face. "What were you doing there?"

"I've told you."

"And I tell you you're a liar. Where did you leave the man

Poland blinked his small eyes, cleared his throat, and looked
down at the floor uneasily. Then:

"Who's Cohen?" he grunted.

"You mean, who was Cohen?" cried Kerry.
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