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Sleepy-Time Tales: the Tale of Fatty Coon by Arthur Scott Bailey
page 26 of 56 (46%)
When Fatty told his mother about his narrow escape Mrs. Coon became much
excited. She felt sure that Fatty was not mistaken, for had she not
heard that strange cry herself?

There it was again! Woo-ooo-ooo-oo-o! It began low, rose to a shriek,
and then died away again.

Mrs. Coon and Fatty climbed to the very top of their old poplar and
gazed down the valley.

"Look, Mother!" Fatty cried. "He's stopped at Farmer Green's! You can
see his eyes from here!"

Mrs. Coon looked. Sure enough! It was just as Fatty said. And that
horrid call echoed across the valley once more.

Farmer Green stuck his head out of his chamber-window, to see what the
man in the automobile wanted.

"Where's the nearest village, please?" the stranger asked. And after
Farmer Green had told him the man drove his car on again.

From their tree-top Fatty and his mother watched the monster dash down
the valley. They knew he had gone, because they could see the gleam of
those awful eyes.

"Do you suppose he ate up Farmer Green and his family?" Fatty asked in a
frightened voice.

"I hope so," she said. "Then perhaps there'll be no more traps in the
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