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English Literature for Boys and Girls by H. E. (Henrietta Elizabeth) Marshall
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"'Sir,' said Sir Kay, 'by my brother Arthur, for he brought it to

"'How got ye this sword?' said Sir Ector to Arthur.

"'Sir, I will tell you. When I came home for my brother's sword,
I found no body at home to deliver me his sword, and so I thought
my brother Sir Kay should not go swordless, and so I came hither
eagerly and pulled it out of the stone without any pain.'

"'Found ye any knights about the sword?' said Sir Ector.

"'Nay,' said Arthur.

"'Now,' said Sir Ector to Arthur, 'I understand ye must be king
of this land.'

"'Wherefore I,' said Arthur, 'and for what cause?'

"'Sir,' said Ector, 'for God will have it so, for there should
never man have drawn out this sword, but he that should be
rightwise king of this land. Now let me see if ye can put the
sword there as it was and pull it out again.'

"'That is no mastery,' said Arthur. And so he put it in the
stone. Therewithall Sir Ector essayed to pull out the sword and

"'Now essay,' said Sir Ector unto Sir Kay. And anon he pulled at
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