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English Literature for Boys and Girls by H. E. (Henrietta Elizabeth) Marshall
page 58 of 806 (07%)
most pleasant jumble."* Malory made up none of the stories; as
he himself tells us, he took them from French books, and in some
of these French books the stories are told much better. But what
we have to remember and thank Malory for is that he kept alive
the stories of Arthur. He did this more than any other writer in
that he wrote in English such as all English-speaking people must
love to read.

*J. Furnivell


Stories of King Arthur's Knights, by Mary Macgregor.
Stories from Morte d'Arthur, by C. L. Thomson. Morte d'Arthur,
Globe Edition.


FOUR hundred years after Malory wrote his book, another English
writer told the tales of Arthur anew. This was the poet Alfred,
Lord Tennyson. He told them in poetry.

Tennyson calls his poems the Idylls of the King. Idyll means a
short poem about some simple and beautiful subject. The king
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