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English Literature for Boys and Girls by H. E. (Henrietta Elizabeth) Marshall
page 86 of 806 (10%)
books which the monks of Whitby may have had. The story did not
come from Rome, but from the East. How, then, did Caedmon hear

Whitby, we must remember, was founded by Celtic, and not by Roman
monks. It was founded by monks who came from Ireland to Iona,
and from thence to Northumbria. To them the teaching of Christ
had come from Jerusalem and the East rather than from Rome. So
here again, perhaps, we can see the effect of the Celts on our
literature. It was from Celtic monks that Caedmon heard the
story of the war in heaven.

After telling of this war, Caedmon goes on to relate how the
wicked angels "into darkness urged them their darksome way."

"They might not loudly laugh,
But they in hell-torments,
Dwelt accursed.
And woe they knew
Pain and sorrow,
Torment endured
With darkness decked,
Hard retribution,
For that they had devised
Against God to war."

Then after all the fierce clash of battle come a few lines which
seem like peace after war, quiet after storm.

"Then was after as before
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