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The Ancient Allan by H. Rider (Henry Rider) Haggard
page 20 of 314 (06%)
coughed, rubbed his bald head, stared and recovering himself with an
effort, said,

"Indeed, Sir! I only came to this place after the death of his late
lordship, when her ladyship changed all the household. Alfred, show
this gentleman up to her ladyship's boudoir, and William, take his--
baggage--to the blue room. Her ladyship wishes to see you at once,
Sir, before the others come."

So I went up the big staircase to a part of the Castle that I did not
remember, wondering who "the others" might be. Almost could I have
sworn that the shade of Savage accompanied me up those stairs; I could
feel him at my side.

Presently a door was thrown open and I was ushered into a room
somewhat dimly lit and full of the scent of flowers. By the fire near
a tea-table, stood a lady clad in some dark dress with the light
glinting on her rich-hued hair. She turned and I saw that she still
wore the necklace of red stones, and beneath it on her breast a single
red flower. For this was Lady Ragnall; about that there was no doubt
at all, so little doubt indeed that I was amazed. I had expected to
see a stout, elderly woman whom I should only know by the colour of
her eyes and her voice, and perhaps certain tricks of manner. But,
this was the mischief of it, I could not perceive any change, at any
rate in that light. She was just the same! Perhaps a little fuller in
figure, which was an advantage; perhaps a little more considered in
her movements, perhaps a little taller or at any rate more stately,
and that was all.

These things I learned in a flash. Then with a murmured "Mr.
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