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The Rover Boys in the Jungle - Or, Stirring Adventures in Africa by Edward Stratemeyer
page 10 of 217 (04%)
of a drum made the young cadets hurry to the front of the parade

"Fall in, Companies A and B!" came the command from the major of
the battalion, and the boys fell in. Dick was now a first
lieutenant, while Tom and Sam were first and second sergeants

As soon as the companies were formed they were marched around the
Hall and to the messroom. Here they were kept standing in a long
fine while George Strong came to the front with half a dozen new

"Young gentlemen, I will introduce to you several who will join
your ranks for this season," said the head assistant. Then he
began to name the half dozen. Among others they included a
round-faced German youth named Hans Mueller, and a tall, lank,
red-haired boy, of Irish descent who rejoiced in the name of Jim

"I'll wager the Dutch boy is full of fun," whispered Sam to Tom.
"You can see it in his eyes."

"I don't like the looks of that Jim Caven," returned Tom. "He
looks like a worse sneak than Mumps ever was."

"I agree there. Perhaps we had better keep, our eyes open for

Despite this talk, however, the newcomers were welcomed cordially,
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