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Aria da Capo by Edna St. Vincent Millay
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PIERROT: La, what a woman!--how should I know?
Pour me some wine: I'll tell you presently.

COLUMBINE: Pierrot, do you know, I think you drink too much.

PIERROT: Yes, I dare say I do. . . . Or else too little.
It's hard to tell. You see, I am always wanting
A little more than what I have,--or else
A little less. There's something wrong. My dear,
How many fingers have you?

COLUMBINE: La, indeed,
How should I know?--It always takes me one hand
To count the other with. It's too confusing.

PIERROT: Why?--I am a student, Columbine;
And search into all matters.

COLUMBINE: La, indeed?--
Count them yourself, then!

PIERROT: No. Or, rather, nay.
'Tis of no consequence. . . . I am become
A painter, suddenly,--and you impress me--
Ah, yes!--six orange bull's-eyes, four green pin-wheels,
And one magenta jelly-roll,--the title
As follows: Woman Taking in Cheese from Fire-Escape.

COLUMBINE: Well, I like that! So that is all I've meant
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