Ginx's Baby: his birth and other misfortunes; a satire by Edward Jenkins
page 77 of 119 (64%)
page 77 of 119 (64%)
infant and all whom it may concern. I think I'll draft it at
once." In a few minutes the committee in charge pinned to the only garment of Ginx's Baby a paper in the following form:-- PARISH OF ST. BARTIMEUS. To ---- ---- (name unknown), a Foundling, and all other persons interested in the said Foundling. TAKE NOTICE That you, or either of you, have no just or lawful claim to have you or the said infant chargeable on the said Parish. And this is to notify that you, the said infant, are retained in the workhouse of the said Parish under protest, and that whatsoever is or may be done or provided for you is at the proper charge of you, and all such persons as are and were by law bound to maintain and keep the same. WINKLE & PHILLPOTTS, Solicitors for the Board. III.--"The World is my Parish." When Mr. Phillpotts called upon Doll, the cheesemonger, the latter straightway gave him the facts as they had occurred. He |